Tendergreen Improved Bush Bean (Heirloom, 53 Days)
Heirloom 1922
A longtime favorite, this bean’s round pods are 6” long. Yield is heavy and prolonged. The Tendergreen Improved Bush Bean flavor and texture are excellent, particularly when picked at a modest size. Equally good for freezing or eating fresh. Stringless. Disease Resistance -Common Bean Mosaic
1 ounce = approx. 80-100 seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris
Germination: 4-10 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF
Seed Sowing Depth: 1” deep
Outside Sowing: After the last frost with soil temperatures above 60ºF. Sow 2-3” apart. Planting in soil under 60ºF results in poor germination.
How much does a packet plant: 25-foot single row
Harvest: Before the seeds bulge and beans snap easily. Pick continually every 2-3 days to prolong production.
Tips: Grow in light, well-drained soil, provide adequate, even moisture, especially at flowering time. Dry soil can result in low yields and fibrous pods. Do not over-fertilize the Tendergreen Improved Bush Bean with nitrogen, which results in a surplus of foliage and low, delayed pod growth. Adding inoculant at planting time aids in a larger harvest and more robust plants. Sow a few times a season, 3-4 weeks apart for a continuous harvest.