
Tatsoi Greens (45-50 Days)

$ 1.95

Also called spinach mustard or spoon mustard, it has dark green spoon shaped leaves and white stalks. The Tatsoi Greens grow in a thick rosette close to the ground and are eaten raw or added to stir-fries. May be harvested at once or the leaves can be picked individually for mixed salads. The Tatsoi Greens are great to grow in the fall into winter as they can withstand temperatures down to 15°. 

50 seeds



Brassica rapa var. narinosa

Germination: 4-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 68-80ºF. 

Seed Sowing Depth: ¼" deep

Sowing Indoors: Start 3-4 weeks before planting outsideSow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot, thinning to one per cell/pot. Provide 68-75ºF soil temperatures. Transplant after last frost, 8-10” apart. 

Sowing Outdoors: After last frost. Sow 2-4" apart, thin to 8-10" apart. 

How much does a packet plant: 8-10 foot single row

Harvest: Whole mature heads or individual leaves

Tips: Plant Tatsoi Greens in fertile, well drained soil. Work in compost or well rotted manure into your soil before planting. Provide adequate, even moisture for the best growth, especially from the middle to end of summer. Mulching helps retain moisture.