
Tango Celery (Organic 80 Days)

$ 3.25

The Tango Celery has outstanding performance in a short season. Handles heat and drought stress better than most celery, very forgiving for the weekend gardener. Tender, non-stringy stalks on self-blanching, vigorous plants. Resistant to fusarium.

100 Seeds

Tango Celery (Organic 80 Days)



Apium graveolens

Germination: 14-21 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 60-75ºF. 

Seed Sowing Depth: 1/8-1/4" deep

Sowing Indoors: Start 10-12 weeks before the last frost. Soaking seeds overnight aids germination. Keep soil moist and temperatures at 70-75ºF. Liquid fertilize seedlings every 7-10 days. Transplant after last frost 8-12” apart.

Sowing Outdoors: Not recommended, especially in northern areas

Harvest: Stalks over 8-10”, from the outside first. Harvest entire plant late summer through the fall.

Tips: Tango Celery needs fertile soil and consistent moisture throughout the entire season for optimum growth. Add compost to the planting area and fertilize regularly, mulch, and keep moist.