
Solar Flare Tomato (Organic 85 Days)

$ 2.75

Part of our Wild Boar series. Venture into this new world of gourmet tomatoes and we guarantee that you will be excited, practically sleeping near the plant, lingering, waiting for them to ripen; that moment you finally get to slice your first fruit open. Brad Gates, owner of Wild Boar Farms is a small organic farmer and passionate tomato breeder out of northern California. Using genetics and the natural mutations of heirloom varieties he selected and experimented, creating exotic, open-pollinated tomatoes with many amazing color combinations, shapes, sizes, and tastes. These are the heirlooms for future generations.

Golden metallic stripes flare from the top and bottom of the bright red, 6-10 oz beefsteak type fruit. The Solar Flare Tomato has excellent production that continues to the end of the growing season with good scab resistance. We loved the luscious, flavorful taste of this one, having a perfect balance of sweet and acid.

20 seeds

Solar Flare Tomato (Organic 85 Days)


Solanum lycopersicum


Germination: 7-14 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF.

Seed Sowing Depth: 1/4” deep

Starting Indoors: 6 weeks before the last frost. Provide 75-80ºF soil temperatures. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot, thin to the strongest seedling, or use the 20 Row seedling flat, transplanting into individual pots when seedlings get their 3rd set of leaves. Fertilize the seedlings every 7-10 days with a liquid or water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to ¼ of the suggested measurement. Transplant out after the last frost. Space 24-36" apart

Sowing Outdoors: Only in areas with very long growing seasons. Sow after the last frost. 

Harvest: When fruit is red (or color of the variety planted) and firm.

Tips: The Solar Flare Tomato should be planted in fertile soil, amended with compost, mulch, and provide even moisture. Plant deeper than they were growing in the containers as it makes a stronger roots system. Apply a light compost tea every few weeks. Do not apply excessive nitrogen, which can promote excessive foliage and poor fruit set.