Lavender Cotton

$ 1.95

Used historically to repel moths. Lavender Cotton has a foot tall foliage resembling a miniature evergreen tree. The fragrant foliage is deeply divided and colors vary from green to silver with small yellow pompom flowers appearing in July and August.  

25 seeds




Santolina tomentosa

Perennial, zone 6-9

Germination:  14-30 days

Seed Planting Depth: 1/8"

Starting Indoors/Outdoors:  Start indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost. Cold treat seed by sowing into moist soil, wrap in a clear plastic bag, and place in refrigerator for 2-3 weeks then provide light and 65-70 degree soil temperatures. Transplant 18-20" apart. Sow outdoors in the spring or in the fall, a few seeds 1-2", thin to 8-10" apart. 

Light Needs:  Full sun to part shade

Soil Needs: Lavender Cotton needs average to sandy and well-drained soil 

Uses: Dyeing, attracts bees and beneficals