Royal Burgundy Bush Bean (51 Days)

$ 2.75 Sold Out

The Royal Burgundy Bush Bean grows very well under cool conditions with strong, tall, purple-stemmed plants producing an abundance of pretty lavender flowers and clusters of round, straight 6” beans. Eaten raw, they are dark purple, very juicy, and crunchy with great flavor. The Royal Burgundy Bush Bean acquires a deep green color when cooked, much more dramatic than most green varieties. Disease Resistance-Common Bean Mosaic

1 ounce = approx. 90-110 seeds


Phaseolus vulgaris

Germination: 4-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF

Seed Sowing Depth: 1” deep 

Outside Sowing: After the last frost with soil temperatures above 60ºF. Sow 2-3” apart. Planting in soil under 60ºF results in poor germination. 

How much does a packet plant: 25-foot single row 

Harvest: Before the seeds bulge and beans snap easily. Pick continually every 2-3 days to prolong production.

Tips: Grow in light, well-drained soil, provide adequate, even moisture, especially at flowering time. Dry soil can result in low yields and fibrous pods. Do not over-fertilize the Royal Burgundy Bush Bean with nitrogen, which results in a surplus of foliage and low, delayed pod growth. Adding inoculant at planting time aids in a larger harvest and more robust plants. Sow a few times a season, 3-4 weeks apart for a continuous harvest.