Brightest Brillant Rainbow Quinoa Blend (Organic 90-120 Days)
Quinoa is a high protein, nutritious grain that produces large seed heads and young, edible leaves. At maturity, the Brightest Brillant Rainbow Quinoa Blend includes attractive red, yellow, orange, white, and green seed heads. As a cool-weather crop, it grows best in northern areas where daytime temperatures do not exceed 90-95ºF. Above this can prevent seed heads. Seeds should be sown in cool soil, April through May, with soil temperatures at 45-60ºF. Looks like lambs quarters when it first emerges from the soil so it is best to sow in straight rows, keep well weeded, and thin 8-18” apart when the seedlings are 6” high. Grows 4-6’ tall, in well-drained, rich soil. After harvesting the heads, wash a few times to remove the bitter saponin coating that covers the seeds. Cook like rice to enjoy a delicious gluten-free nutritional powerhouse! Germs 3-7 days
500 seeds