Potato 'German Butterball'
Late season. German Butterball Potato is an amazing all-purpose heirloom potato with golden skin and yellow flesh. Often described as butterless, doesn't need any extra seasonings and winner of the best-tasting potato at the Rodale Organic Gardening Magazine taste contest. Great for everything, from mashed to baked to frying. Very long keeper and a heavy producer. Because of its versatility, it is wonderful with vegetables such as carrots, leeks, parsnips and peas as well as garlic, chives and cilantro. (95-120 days
Plant whole or cut into pieces (2-3) eyes each. Allow pieces to air dry for 24 hours. Place 6” apart in rows 3’ apart. Cover the tuber with soil. Continue to cover as the vines grow by hilling soil, leaves, straw, or compost over the tuber. Leave only small portions of the growing plant exposed to promote more potatoes.
Maine Certified Seed Potatoes
All of our seed is Maine certified or foundation seed that has been field-tested throughout the growing season. Samples from each field have been tested for potato viruses. Two pounds of potatoes will plant approximately 8’ row, 12 sq. feet, or 10 hills.