Onion Plants 'Redwing'
1 bunch (55-65 plants)- $19.95
2 or more bunches- $17.95 each
 Onion plants arrive dormant. They will be dry and recover once properly planted. Full sun, fertile soil, and 1 inch of water a week are essential needs for successful onion bulbs. Plant in soil amended with compost, well-aged manure, or a balanced fertilizer. Harvest bulbs when the necks have become soft and fall over. Pull up and dry for a few days in the field (if there is no rain predicted) Move indoors to continue drying, 2-3 weeks until stems are dry,( you won't be able to squeeze any water out of the necks) Cut off tops and roots and store in mesh bags, above freezing at 65-70% humidity.
 LONG DAY- Northern areas. Bulb out with 14+ hours of daylight
 INTERMEDIATE- Widely adapted except far north/deep south. Bulb out with 12-13 hours of daylight.
 SHORT DAY- Southern areas. Bulb out with 10 hours of daylight.