
$ 1.95

An old-time herb though out history, growing in English gardens for hundreds of years. All parts are used seeds, leaves and even roots. Lovage is a handsome plant that can grow to 6 feet with its leaves resembling those of celery. The flavor is similar to, but stronger than, that of celery. Use leaves sparingly to flavor soups. Eat young leaves in salad. 

Elisabeth a customer would like to share how her family, and others of Bulgarian heritage, use the herb Lovage - She says "Bulgarians rarely use it this way... ( using in soups and salads) we pick & dry the leaves (which dry beautifully and quickly just on paper protected from the sun) and crumble onto meat that has a strong flavor like salmon or lamb. It's truly a game changer and even picky eaters who don't like salmon/lamb will be happily surprised. If you incorporate this usage into your description I bet you'll gain customers and excitement for this forgotten and ancient herb"   

100 seeds




Levisticum officinale

Perennial, zones 4-9

Germination:  7-14 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-70ºF

Seed Planting Depth:  ¼” deep

Starting Indoors:  Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 65-70ºF soil temperature for germination. Transplant 18-24" apart.

Sowing Outdoors:  Spring when the soil temperature reaches 55-60ºF or in the fall.  

Growth Habit:  Tall, upright 

Height and Width: 6-8’ by 24-36”

Spacing: 18-24” apart   

Light Needs: Full sun 

Soil Needs: Lovage needs average to fertile, damp, well-drained soil

Flowering: 85-95 days, midsummer 

Harvest: Roots, seeds, leaves and young stems- raw, cooked or dried. 

Uses: Medicinal, culinary, and ornamental, flowers attract beneficial insects

Care: Cut back after flowering for fresh stems. Can be grown in a large container. Reseeds.