Indian Summer Rudbeckia

$ 2.25

A 1995 AAS winner which is compact, multi-branching, and a prolific producer of huge, colorful blooms. These are the largest, most astonishing Black-eyed Susans you'll ever see. Grow them as an annual, starting them indoors in April, transplanting when the soil is warm, and there will be 26"-30" plants with 5"-8" flowers from mid-August through the first few frosts. Golden yellow blossoms with chocolate-brown centers make for excellent cut flowers (with a long vase life) and are a beautiful sight in a garden.

50 seeds 

Indian Summer Rudbeckia



Rudbeckia hirta

Perennial, Zones 5-9

Germination: 7-12 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-75ºF

Seed Planting Depth: Sow on the surface and press into soil, seeds need light to germinate.

Starting Indoors: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 70-75ºF soil temperature. Transplant after the last frost, 12-18" apart. 

Sowing Outdoors: Direct sow 1-2 weeks before the last frost date, sow 3-5 seeds every 12-18"apart.

Growth Habit: Upright

Height and Width:  26-30" by 12-18"

Spacing: 12-18" apart

Light Needs:  Full sun

Soil Needs: Loose, rich, well-drained

Approximate days to flower from seed: Blooms in the second year may bloom the first season when started early indoors. 

Uses:  Flower beds, containers, cut flowers, attracts pollinators

Care: Water seedlings regularly until established and water well during dry spells. Amend soil with compost before transplanting. Harvest flowers often for bouquets or deadhead for continuous blooms.