Harris Model Parsnip (100 Days)
The Harris Model Parsnip has pure white perfectly straight roots. The slightly sweet flavor is unique in our experience. Store well and should comprise at least a small part of every northern garden. In the North, leave them in the garden until spring. It gives you a sweet treat to look forward to all winter. Dig them as soon as you can after thaw. If they are left for a few weeks they develop a lot of little white roots and start to become woody.
250 seeds
Please note that germination rates for parsnips decline rapidly. We strongly encourage you to purchase new seed each growing season.
Pastinaca sativa
Germination: 14-21 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 60-65ºF.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1/2” deep
Sowing Outdoors: Mid spring. Starting 2-3 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/2-1" apart, thin to 2-3” apart. The soil moisture should be maintained regularly until germination, letting soil dry out during this period may result in lower germination.
How much does a packet plant: 8-12 foot row
Harvest: The flavor is best after a few frosts. Harvest the Harris Model Parsnip after a few frosts or leave them in the ground for the winter. Cover with a thick layer of mulch and harvest in the spring when the ground thaws. Dig out before tops start regrowing.
Tips: Parsnips prefer a loose soil, free of rubble. Sow a few radish seeds with the parsnips to help mark the rows. This is helpful because they take 3 weeks to germinate. Requires adequate water, 1” per week for optimum growth. Using a row cover helps to maintain moisture for germination. Keep well weeded. An excess of nitrogen in the soil cause the roots to become hairy.