Globe Amaranth

$ 2.25

The Globe Amaranth is a bushy, two-foot plant that produces masses of one-inch, globe-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white.  These excellent drying flowers do not need to be picked at specific times like strawflowers, but remain beautiful all season and can be picked right before frost.

30 seeds



Gomphrena globosa


Germination: 15-20 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-75ºF

Seed Planting Depth: Sow on the surface and lightly cover

Starting Indoors: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 70-75ºF soil temperatures until germination. Transplant 8-10” apart after the last frost

Sowing Outdoors:  Direct sow after the last frost, only in areas with long growing seasons

Growth Habit: Upright, branching

Height and Width: 24” x 12-18”  

Spacing: 8-10” apart

Light Needs: Full sun 

Soil Needs: Globe Amaranth needs average, well-drained soil 

Approximate days to flower from seed: Blooms in 85-100 days

Uses: Fresh cut and dried flowers, flower beds, cutting garden, attracts butterflies

Care: Water seedlings regularly until established. Low maintenance, minimal care required. Pinch seedlings for bushier plants. Drying- Harvest flowers for drying when they are open and hang upside down in a dark room with good airflow.