Giant Imperial Mix Larkspur
Resembles its perennial cousin the delphinium in bloom but is more delicate. The foliage is quite feathery and light and the colors range from deep blue to pale blue, pink, lilac, and white. These 3 to 4-foot plants need support if stalks are to grow straight. Fantastic drying flower, colors dry vividly and quickly.
60 seeds
Delphinium consolida
Germination: 14-21 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 50-55ºF.
Seed Planting Depth: Sow ¼” deep
Starting Indoors: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Cold treat seed by sowing into moist soil or paper towel, wrap in a clear plastic bag, and place in refrigerator for 2 weeks. Provide 50-55ºF soil temperatures until germination. Using peat, cow, or paper pots can help with the stress of transplanting, they grow delicate roots and successful transplanting may be challenging. Transplant 6-8” apart after the last frost.
Sowing Outdoors: Direct sow in early spring or fall
Growth Habit: Upright, branching
Height and Width: 3-4’ by 12”
Spacing: 6-8” apart
Light Needs: Full sun
Soil Needs: Fertile, well-drained
Approximate days to flower from seed: Blooms in 80-90 days
Uses: Fresh cut or dried flowers, attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
Care: Amend the soil with compost before transplanting or sowing. Plant in areas with good air circulation, do not overcrowd. May require staking. For fresh-cut flower harvest when 1/2 the flowers have opened. To dry, strip leaves and hang in small bunches in a cool dry area.