Native to the Mediterranean area, this evergreen perennial is known mostly for its use in formal ornamental knot gardens. Germander has tiny little scallop edge leaves, like tiny oak leaves, and deep pink flower spikes that arrive later in the season, blooming for 4 weeks, calling in beneficial insects. Forms a woody, low growing plant, reaching 12-14” and can be pruned to desired shapes. Germander tolerates less than ideal conditions, needing only full sun and well drained soil. Resistant to deer and rabbits pressures.
30 seeds
Teucrium chamaedrys
Perennial, zones 4-9
Germination: 14-30 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 60-65ºF
Seed Planting Depth: Sow on the surface, seeds need light to germinate
Starting Indoors: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 65-70ºF soil temperature for germination. Sow a few seeds per individual cell or pot, thin to the strongest seedling, or start in a 20-row tray, then transplant into larger cells/pots/containers. Transplant after the last frost, 10-12” apart
Sowing Outdoors: Sow after the last frost or in the fall. Sow a few seeds every 10-12". Thin to the most robust seedling, or sow seeds close together in a row and when thinning out the seedlings transplant them to other places in the garden.
Growth Habit: Mounding with a woody base and upright branching stems
Height and Width: 14-16” by 12-18”
Spacing: 10-12” apart
Light Needs: Full sun
Soil Needs: Average, sandy loam well-drained
Blooming: Midsummer into fall
Uses: Medicinal, edging, beds and border, rock garden, formal or knot gardens, crafts- used for herbal wreaths, deer and rabbit resistant, attracts bees and beneficial insects,
Care: Prune in spring to encourage branching, prune after blooming - to renew foliage or to shape if foliage gets leggy. Pinch seedlings back to encourage branching