Fordhook Swiss Chard (58 Days)

$ 1.95

The Fordhook Swiss Chard is an old favorite that is still a superior variety in several ways--thick leaves, dark green color, and a compact plant with a nice white stalk.

75 seeds


Beta vulgaris

Germination: 5-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF.

Seed Sowing Depth: 1/2” deep

Starting Indoors: 4-6 weeks before last frost. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot. Thin to the strongest seedling. Fertilize the seedlings every 7-10 days with a liquid or water soluble fertilizer, diluted to ¼ of suggested measurement. Start transplanting a week or two before last frost. Space 10-18" apart.  

Sowing Outdoors: Mid spring into early summer. Starting when soil temperature reaches at least 50ºF. Germination is slower in cooler slow temperatures. Sow 3-4 seeds every 10-18” apart. Thin to the strongest seedling per space. Sow 40-50 days before first fall frost for late summer/fall harvest .

How much does a packet plant: 10-15 foot single row 

HarvestRemove outer leaves starting at 4-6” for baby salad greens. Use the mature leaves and center ribs cooked or raw.

Tips: Fordhook Swiss Chard needs fertile well drained soil. Tolerates both cold and hot temperatures and can grow from spring until frost. Sow a few times a summer for continuous greens.