Everleaf Emerald Towers Basil

$ 4.50

Everleaf Emerald Towers Basil grows into tidy plants that have a stately columnar habit and offer extensive season-long harvests of traditional Genovese-flavored dark green, glossy leaves.  These flowers are delayed up to 10 weeks later than standard basils. Upright, Everleaf Emerald Towers Basil plants can reach 36” when grown in containers, in-ground, or grown hydroponically. We set out transplants the first week of June and now it is the 1st of September and they still have not flowered. The Everleaf Emerald Towers Basil plants are also resistant to downy mildew and fusarium. 

 50 seeds



Ocimum basilicum


Germination:  5-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-70ºF

Seed Planting Depth:  Sow on the surface and lightly cover

Starting Indoors:  Start indoors 4-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 65-70ºF soil temperatures. Transplant after the last frost, 8-12" apart. 

Sowing Outdoors:  After the last frost, sow a few seeds every 2-4”. Thin to the strongest seedling, 8-12" apart. Sow heavily seeded rows and use the baby greens earlier in the season. Sow again in mid-summer for later harvests.

Growth Habit: Upright, branching

Height and Width: 24-36” x 12-18”

Spacing:  8-12” apart   

Light Needs: Full sun 

Soil Needs: Fertile, moist, well-drained 

Harvest: Start when the plants are 6-8”, picking leaves as needed. Harvest often to keep the plant producing new leaves. Freeze or dry to preserve 

Uses: Culinary and medicinal, containers, flowers attract pollinators and beneficials

Care: Everleaf Emerald Towers Basil plants need fertile soil, amend with compost and/or add organic fertilizer. Basil does not like to dry out, keep well watered for optimum growth, mulching will help retain moisture. 

Tips: Pinch seedlings back to encourage branching and increase leaf production. Pinching off the flowers helps the plant continue producing leaves. We like to pinch off flowers on some plants and leave flowers on others for the pollinators. Flowers are also nice in mixed bouquets. Try growing basil indoors on the windowsill or under grow lights. Growing basil as a micro green is an easy way to enjoy fresh basil during the winter months.