Salpiglossis - Royale Mix

$ 1.95 Sold Out

Also known as "Velvet Flower" or "Painted Tongue". Funnel-shaped and velvety in appearance. Royale Mix is superior in handling the stresses of weather changes, blooming for the entire season. Plants reach up to 2 1/2' and are multi-branching. Rich hues of purple, maroon, chocolate red, golden yellow, and scarlet are common, most with veins of yellow and contrasting colors. Lovely as a cut flower. 2" blooms.

200 seeds 



Salpiglossis sinuata


Germination:  10-15 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-75ºF

Seed Planting Depth:  Sow ¼” deep

Starting Indoors:  Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Provide 70-75ºF soil temperatures. Transplant after the last frost, 10-15" apart. 

Sowing Outdoors:  Not recommended

Growth Habit: Upright, branching

Height and Width: 24-30” x 10-12”

Spacing: 10-15” apart

Light Needs: Full to part sun 

Soil Needs: Fertile, well-drained soil

Approximate days to flower from seed:  100-120 days

Uses:  Flower beds, containers, cut flowers

Care: Mulch and water regularly to keep the soil moist. Does not like intense heat, plant in light shade in warmer areas to prolong blooming. Deadhead to prolong blooms. Pinch back for bushier more compact plants. Amend soil with compost before planting.