Blueberry 'Northland'
Northland Blueberry boasts consistent yields of blueberries that have a wild berry flavor. Ripens early to midseason. The fruit size is small, 136 berries per cup. Yields at maturity are consistent, averaging 15-20 pounds per bush. Developed at Michigan State University, Northland has limber branches, which do not break under heavy snow loads. Grow 3-4 ft with a spreading habit. Grown in 1 liter containers, average of 12-18" plants. Zones 3-7
Plant in loamy, well-drained soil, (pH should be 4.5-5.5) 4’-6’ apart. Blueberries are shallow-rooted, mulch heavily with a deep layer of acidic material, such as pine needles to keep weeds down. Remove all blossoms in the first year to allow roots to establish themselves.