
Brisk Green Pak Choi (F1 Hybrid 50 Days)

$ 1.95

This non-heading green, a member of the cabbage family, is a compact variety that produces 6-8” meaty, spoon shaped leaves. It is a staple for Asian cooking. The Brisk Green Pak Choi is excellent for stir fries, soups and raw in salads. Bolt resistant variety.

40 seeds


Brassica rapa var. chinensis

Germination: 7-12 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-75ºF.

Seed Sowing Depth: 1/4” deep

Starting Indoors: 4-5 weeks before last frost. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot. Thin to the strongest seedling. Fertilize the seedlings every 7-10 days with a liquid or water soluble fertilizer, diluted to ¼ of suggested measurement. Transplant a week or two before last frost. Space 6-12" apart. Sow in midsummer for fall crops. 

Sowing Outdoors: Spring when soil temperature reaches at least 60ºF, 1-2 weeks before last frost date. Sow 2-3 seeds every 6-12” apart. Thin to the strongest seedling per space. Sow in midsummer for fall crops. 

How much does a packet plant: 6-8 foot single row

Harvest: Can be harvested by the leaf or the entire heads 

Tips: Needs to be provided with fertile soil, rich in organic matter from the very beginning of its growth in the garden. Provide adequate, even moisture for the best growth. Mulching helps retain moisture. Temperatures that are consistently hot and under 50ºF can cause bolting.