Hops 'Magnum'
12-15% alpha acid, Magnum Hop is a high-bittering hop with a mild flavor. The citrusy but mildly spicy tone to this hop is the number two produced rhizome in Germany. Great for beginners. Zones 3-8
1 rhizome- $9.50
2 or more rhizomes- $7.50 each
The hop (humulus lupulus) is a hardy perennial, which may grow up to 25’ in a season, dying back to the crown in the fall. Ripe flower cones can be harvested in August and September, dried, and used in brewing for flavor, aroma, bittering, preservation, and head retention. Under good conditions, a vigorous hop can produce up to 2 lbs of dried flowers. Mature hop cones are 1” to 3” long, yellowish-green and papery to the touch. Plant in early spring, in full sun, one rhizome per hill with the buds pointing up, 1” deep, plants 3’ apart. When the vines are 1’ long, select 2-6 to train to supports and remove the rest.