Hardneck Garlic-Persian Star (Fall Planting)
Hardneck- Purple Stripe. The paper-thin whitish outer wrapper of Persian Star Garlic peels off to reveal an attractive reddish-purple striated skin surrounding 8-12 medium-sized cloves. Outstanding raw with a subtle garlic flavor, not too overwhelming with a little zest that mellows after cooking. It has won multiple taste tests, particularly when it is roasted. Brought to the United States in the late 1980s from Uzbekistan. It is known to perform well in most regions, cooler climates of the north, and as far south as North Texas. Stores 6-7 months. Naturally Grown.
(approx. 12-20 cloves per order)
Separate cloves, plant 2-4 inches deep and 5-6 inches apart with the pointed end up, 3-4 weeks before the ground freezes.
When the lower 4-5 leaves have dried. Dry and hang out of direct light in a warm area with good air circulation. After they have dried for 2-3 weeks, cut off the stem, 1" from the bulb, and trim the roots.
Plant in well-drained, rich soil, amend with organic matter, such as compost. Mulch the garlic 4" with straw or chopped leaves, this helps protect from extreme winter conditions, keeps the soil evenly moist, and controls weeds for next season. Cut off scapes when they emerge (the curly seed stalk that will rise from the middle of the plant) so the plant can put its energy into producing the bulb, not the seed head. You can leave scapes on, producing smaller bulbs and the bulbets from the seed head can be planted for full-sized garlic in 2 years.